
Thank you to everyone who serves in a ministry at our church! We appreciate your commitment! If you would like more information or would like to be a part of one of these ministries, please speak with the contact person.

If you are not able to fulfill your commitment, please attempt to find a replacement, or contact Father Nester Sanchez as early as possible so we may find a substitute.


Lectors serve the Church by proclaiming the Word of God at Mass. The well prepared Lector clearly communicates God's grace and love to the listener drawing them to a deeper understanding of their faith.
Contact person: Patti Huppert

Altar Servers

Altar Servers actively participate in the Mass, Serving God by Assisting the Priest and the deacon. This service at the altar helps to teach responsibility and allows our young people to grow deeper in their faith through service to others.
Contact person: Patti Huppert


Our Ushers fulfill the important role of greeting and making all who enter feel the welcome of our Parish family. Ushers are here to assist with any special needs of our worship community, welcoming the opportunity to serve God through serving you.
Contact person: Patti Huppert

Homebound Minister

Reach out to sick and homebound. Care Ministers are available to bring communion to the sick or home-bound on Sunday in unity with the assembly. There are periodic meetings and training is provided parish.

If you know someone in the parish who is a shut-in and would like to receive communion, contact: Fran Mardis or the parish offices at 217-784-4671

Knights of Columbus (

The Knights of Columbus is an international organization founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882 for the support of our families and the Catholic Church. More than 1.7 million members in 10,000 councils (or local chapters) plus their families belong to the organization, and they have dedicated themselves to the ideals of Columbianism: CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY AND PATRIOTISM.

Contact Bruce Killian for more information